
My Services and Fees
I offer a comprehensive program, which may include: individual, couples, family, and group work.
Individual ($135 - 50 mins)
If your area of concern is related to feelings of sadness; loneliness; disappointment; frustration; anger; anxiety; or you are experiencing relationship conflict, grief, family of origin issues, parenting challenges, addictive behaviors, or you just need someone to hear you..... Help is available. It is the best investment you can make in yourself.
Family ($135 - 50 mins)
I work with clients age 15+ in the individual format; however, I facilitate family meetings, which can include family members as young as 10 y/o. If you would like to take your family relationships to the next level, I can help guide you and your loved ones through important, meaningful (and sometimes difficult) conversations. Quality relationships cannot exist without connection, which is developed and nurtured through interactions characterized by openness and trust.
Couples ($135 - 50 mins)
If you and your partner are interested in enriching your relationship in any of the following areas, I can help: communication, trust, intimacy, sex, parenting, budgeting, blended family, conflict resolution, co-parenting after divorce.